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2 years after the World Peace Summit with over 4000 participants, the international ​

„Sacred Infinite Fire Festival”

Make sure that the sacred fires burn on earth again!” Was the message Matthias received from a sacred Mayan fire in June. After that everything happened very quickly. The keeper of the prophecy of the 8th fire contacted him and confirmed that we have now arrived at this point in our human history, that we can now make a major contribution so that the ancient prophecies can be fulfilled.

You are wholeheartedly invited to be a part of this beautiful universal prayer of the Sacred Infinite Fire Festival, which extends across the entire earth and carries humanity and Mother Earth in her transformational process.

We invite everyone to be there when…

❤️… your personal growth is important to you, because the experiences that touch your soul make you grow

❤️…You want to experience the individual and collective transformation and healing power of the sacred fires

❤️… want to feel the power of connection via the sacred fires in you again

❤️… You want to remember what a glowing burning heart feels like

❤️… You want to relieve conscious and unconscious pain in your heart

❤️… You’ve been looking for something for a long time that will set you up again and give you orientation for your life

❤️…You want to know why the connected sacred fires are now so important for our individual and collective rebirth

❤️… why your decision is so important now

❤️ …if you wish for even more like-minded people on your way

Get your ticket & festival package now!

Support our work with a ticket of your choice for the entire festival package. You get access to the knowledge of all guardians of wisdom, guardians of sacred fire traditions and lighthouses of the new age to look at but also to download. During and also up to 2 years after the festival. Included among others:

  • Prophecy of the 8th Fire with Chief Phil Lane Jr.
  • Sacred Fire Keepers & Alchemists from All over the World
  • Vizzars Alchemist Fire Monks
  • Mamo Firekeeper
  • And many other keepers of ancient sacred fire traditions, grandmothers, elders & keepers of wisdom

We invite you


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The sacred fires should be FREE for ALL.

We look forward to co-creating an enchantingly magical multidimensional transformation field with the Firespirits and you.

The sacred fires should be freely accessible to EVERYONE. You can register HERE.

It is a matter of the heart and privately pre-financed by me.

My small, fine team and I put all our heart’s fire into it with full confidence that everything we put into it will come back to us many times over in blessing and abundance.

If you find our work worth supporting, then we look forward to everyone who supports us by buying a festival package. [CLICK HERE] for the Ticket & Festival Package

Thanks to you, this Sharity act of love will become a beacon effect, through which the connected holy fires will burn worldwide.

Imagine with us that these globally connected sacred fires ignite the cleansing and healing power that is needed now on earth and for each and every human being. Who in your environment would you like to present with an invitation? Thanks to your recommendation, we will manage that the connected sacred fires will burn on Mama Gaia worldwide. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for contributing to this beacon effect through your Sharity love act and your sharing from mouth to mouth and circle to circle!

So nice that you exist and that you are there – if you would like to get involved beyond guarding the fire or become part of our 8 shields team, then please write to us at

Feel surrounded, loved, richly gifted and blessed


Matthias Walter – WHITE LIGHTFIRE

Our fire keepers, lighthouses and overview​​


White Lightfire Is the medicine name of Matthias Walter. He is a mentor for initiatory processes, life transitions & travel companions in your mastery. For more than 25 years he has been accompanying people through deep processes of rebirth and change
To weave time is to rise from heaviness and density to lightness and lightness. Where spaces open in which your true nature expands in knowing. Where veils lift and through your work build new worlds of peace.
Music that releases great forces. Positive, conscious and deeply touching lyrics are the grandiose talent of SEOM.

Modern and profound, moving and full of energy, he gives German-language music a new note.

Day 1 - 11.11.2022

Mayasign - Video

The white way
by Martina Schröder

Initiation with Matthias Walter in the live broadcast (daily 7-9 p.m. CET)

Phil Nathan Lane Jr. (born 1944) is an inducted member of the Ihanktonwan Dakota and Chickasaw Nations and a citizen of Canada and the United States.
Sarah is a multidimensional medium, meditation and manifestation teacher

Day 2 - 12.11.2022

Mayasign - Video

Tree of life
by Martina Schröder

More specials in the live broadcast (daily 7-9 p.m. CET) ​

Als einer der wenigen Vertreter Europas, wurden mir dort die Aufgabe als Brückenbauer übermittelt. So begann auch mein Weg als Mayapriester, Weisheitslehrer, Heiler, Schamane, Lebensbegleiter und Buchautor.
Wherever you go doesn't depend on which way the wind blows, but how you set the sails.

Day 3 - 13.11.2022

Mayasign - Video

Feminine creativity
by Martina Schröder

More specials in the live broadcast (daily 7-9 p.m. CET) ​

Through the fire on the way to the source..... as a contribution to the healing of the whole 🔱🔥🔱
Co-founder of Tamera

Day 4 - 14.11.2022

Mayasign - Video

Overview & Vision
by Martina Schröder

More specials in the live broadcast (daily 7-9 p.m. CET) ​

Wise Guardian of Fire
Fire Tradition of the Keepers of the Heart of Mother Earth​

Mamo Gilberto Busingama is the fire keeper of the Mamos who has been deeply connected to the spirit of fire for over 40 years
Maona TV & Filmmaker by Aluna (Eng. Synchro)​

Day 5 - 15.11.2022

Mayasign - Video

Forgiveness & Ancestry
by Martina Schröder

More specials in the live broadcast (daily 7-9 p.m. CET) ​

Wixarika Ceremony with Don Katira - Healer from the Mexican people of the Wixarika (Huicholes)
Valruna Loacker has accepted the legacy of serving the old Völva craft again. She is the bearer and guardian of the wisdom and tradition of Europe. She dedicated her life to bringing the knowledge of our ancestors to mind for the healing of all life and all relatives.

Day 6 - 16.11.2022

Mayasign - Video

The Wisdom​
by Martina Schröder

More specials in the live broadcast (daily 7-9 p.m. CET) ​

Gurudev Bhaneshwaranand is a master of Vedic fire rituals who has performed more than 5000 Vedic fire ceremonies.
Karl Gamper stands for a vertical path. For an inner ascension. The wonderful thing is, this "path" is a movement in the now. It happens in a second. Perpendicular. NOW. It's momentum.

Day 7 - 17.11.2022

Mayasign - Video

The sword
by Martina Schröder

More specials in the live broadcast (daily 7-9 p.m. CET) ​

As Kaitiaki in Turkey with the Eternal Flames, she connects people with earth consciousness and their own inner worlds. From here, a new grid of “stem cell sites” unfolds. Founder of the Geomediation Foundation and the "UniversiTree" in Aotearoa - to activate the very own Dream Seeds of Creation.
Founder of the BusinessFlowAcademy, quantum psychologist, business mentor for experienced experts, coaches and other thought leaders

Day 8 - 18.11.2022

Mayasign - Video

by Martina Schröder

More specials in the live broadcast (daily 7-9 p.m. CET) ​

Daunda - Abbot of the Alchemical Monastery & Keeper of the Sacred Fires and Philosopher's Stone
EekeSjoukje Roodvoets is called White Tigerheart by the Wizzars; the 'realised ones' from Birma. The Wizzars dedicate their lives and wisdom to the world as true bodhisattvas. They are prolonging their fysical lives by Alchemy and severe Meditation.

Day 9 - 19.11.2022

Mayasign - Video

The Sun
by Martina Schröder

More specials in the live broadcast (daily 7-9 p.m. CET) ​

Fuego Sacrado Brazil & worldwide
With her AWAKE films, the NEW EARTH MANIFESTO, her blogs, videos and workshops, Catharina Roland inspires us in her lively, heartfelt way to remember how we find paradise within ourselves and live outside be able.

Day 10 - 20.11.2022

Mayasign - Video

The primordial water
by Martina Schröder

More specials in the live broadcast (daily 7-9 p.m. CET) ​

Ida Ayu Purnamawati, or Dayu, comes from an ancient family of Hindu priests and healers in Klungkung on the Indonesian island of Bali. Even in her youth, Dayu had a deep longing for daily meditation and yoga. She teaches all this in a spiritual center in the north of Bali.
Standing Bear is a retired sun dancer, pipe bearer and known in the Tsalagi (Cherokee) tradition as the keeper of the 'Holy Fire', 'Kutani Uku' (holy man). He is currently recognized as "Leku", the supreme medicine man.

Day 11 - 21.11.2022

Mayasign - Video

The Wind
by Martina Schröder

More specials in the live broadcast (daily 7-9 p.m. CET) ​

He has been performing Vedic fire techniques to heal the earth for 44 years. Since 2012 he has been intensively on the road for HOMA seminars in Europe and has held over 500 seminars with Agnihotra for healing the earth since 1980. Press spokesman from Homa-Hof Heiligenberg
For more than 25 years I have been accompanying people in seminars and training courses on their search for self-realization.

Day 12 - 22.11.2022

Mayasign - Video

Confidence in change - happy ending
by Martina Schröder

More specials in the live broadcast (daily 7-9 p.m. CET) ​

With her AWAKE films, the NEW EARTH MANIFESTO, her blogs, videos and workshops, Catharina Roland inspires us in her lively, heartfelt way to remember how we find paradise within ourselves and live outside be able.
Radio SOL & Planet SOL Founders, Host of the People's Conference.

"Life isn't about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself."

Your festival package & ticket

You will receive your ticket immediately and thus access to our members area, where you will find a lot more besides the daily unlocked interviews of the fire keepers and the lighthouses:

✅ 8 Representatives of Sacred Firekeeper Traditions (Videos)
✅ 8 sacred live fire ceremonies of different fire traditions
✅ 8 interviews with lighthouses of the new era (videos)
✅ 8 Firesongs
✅ 8 mantras
✅ 8 Fire Meditations
✅ 8 Poetic Verses on the Sacred Fires
✅ Festival eBooklet

For a full festival enjoyment with all guardians of sacred fire traditions, wisdom guardians, grandmothers, chiefs and lighthouses of the new era and many wonderful additional surprises and bonuses, we would be happy if you book a festival ticket according to your options:

Support our work:

If you find our work worth supporting, then we look forward to everyone who supports us by purchasing one of the ticket and festival packages. The content of the package is the same, only YOU decide how much you want to support us and how much the festival is worth to you.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart – your Mathias „White Lightfire“ Walter

Ticket & Festival Package​


With this contribution you enable us to cover our costs

88,00 €

Content will be released at the start of the festival on 11/11/2022 at 8:00 a.m.!

Ticket & Festival Package​


With this contribution you support our work and we also receive compensation for our time commitment

144,00 €

Content will be released at the start of the festival on 11/11/2022 at 8:00 a.m.!

Ticket & Festival Package​

"Dream Maker"​

With this contribution you carry our commitment, enable us to realize our dreams and pre-finance other festivals in this way

333,00 €

Content will be released at the start of the festival on 11/11/2022 at 8:00 a.m.!

The organizer

White Lightfire Is the medicine name of Matthias Walter.

He is a mentor for initiatory processes, life transitions & travel companions in your mastery.

For more than 25 years he has been accompanying people through deep processes of rebirth and change

He has supported over 200 people to find their purpose and to bring it powerfully into life.

He works as a medicine man, guardian of wisdom and founder of the Peace Tree movement, which has grown into a worldwide peace organization within 10 years

Beacon Effect

It is close to my heart to reach as many people as possible and to ignite many fires. That’s why I ask you from the bottom of my heart to share this unique and unprecedented festival.

Just click on one of the buttons/icons below the text and share it with the whole human family.

I thank you!


Matthew Walter

Share now:

Sharity Festival: What goes around comes around

Sign up now:​

11.11.2022 - 22.11.2022

Our festival is unique and, as far as we know, has never existed in this form before. Similar festivals are usually offered between 150 and 350 € or more, which they are certainly worth, because hardly anyone who does not organize something like this themselves can imagine how much time and money is invested in such a festival.

When we asked the elders what compensation we may charge for our festival, they confirmed our feeling when they replied: „Everyone should have free access to the sacred fires“.

So we decided that we would offer a „free ticket“ to the sacred fires. Simply register here with your e-mail address and you’re in!

If you still want to support us – please donate something to our crowdfunding

1) Buying ransom, setting up and expanding a stem cell site

2) Support for our Elders

Supported by